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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  September 11, 2010 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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aren't that bad. still a lot of problems. i just want you to have the full story. our conversation continues on facebook and twitter. go tobo my facebook page. we want your comments. i re every one of them. join us every week for your money. also logon to -- captions by vitac -- on ts ninth anniversary of from heightened emotio ground zero to the proposed sight of the islamic center. and ahead at 3:00 eastern time, a closer look at that deadly pipeline explosion in california outside san francisco. could something like that happen where you live? and at 4:00, another perspective
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on the islamic center. we'll talk to jurrjensists fra sweden, south africa as well as israel. in that straight ead here the news room. the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks had arrived with sorrow and with debate. the deadliest acts of terrorism in the u.s. history was remembered this morningith memorial services in york, washington as well as pennsylvania. but the focus has shifted this an rnoon to plans now for islamic center nea the sight of the new york attack. a march in suort of the center started at the top of the hour and we understand a protest is also about to get underway. let's begin with ssan candiotti. >> reporter: at this hour, both sides are starting to build up steain order to get out their message and they intentionally chose this day of remembrance of the attacks to stage their
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rally. we are located about three blocks away from where the rallies are where to be staged. that's because the police wanted to keep us at a great distance. at least our live satellite transmission, so that's why we're that far away. but as you are trying to explain, you've got o goups here. rst of all, you have the group supporting the idea of this proposed islamic center and mosque to be built about two blocks away from ground zero. those who are in suppo o it are saying that people who are organizing it have theight to build a mosque and islamic center where ever they choose according to u.s. constitution that this is actuallyeant to bring people together, not split them apart alough the imam told cnn that if he could have fortold the rs controversy, he mightave
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chosen a different spot. protesters are arguing that the people who want to build the center may have the constitutional right to do so, but that it is disrespectful and simply too hurtful. primarily to the families of 9/11, to build that kind of a center that close to ground zero. regardless, there is a strong police presence here this day. police commissioner telling me he will keep a close eye on both sides. >>r ou goal is to make certain that demonstrations are peaceful and people can voice their opinions and in a peaceful manner. we want to keep opposing groups apart. >> reporter: and of course, the police are use to possible flare ups happening as they did a few weeks ago when there was a similar rally. wever,o both sides certainly
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will not have a chance to vent, to air their respective messages. the question here is is there any sign of a compromise. we don't see any evidence of it. back to you. >> thanks so much in lower manhattan. one thing that apparently will not happen toy after a number of conflicting statements, pastor terry jones says he will not be burning a koran at his church. he >> our goal is to make certain that the demonrations are peaceful and people can voice their opinions in a peaceful manner. we want to keep opposing groups apart. >> clearly, that was not pastor. we'll try and bring that to you when it becomes available. it's bn exactly nine years since the 9/11 attacks and ceremonies are being held across the country to mark the anniversary. in new york this morning at
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ground zero, 9/11 family members teamed up with the buildin, a new memorial there. together, they read aloud theop names of the people killed on that tragic day. >> to my father -- >> i am proud to represent the port authority of new york and new jeey, helping to build the 9/11 memorial. >> a t tough morning f so many people. moments of silence were observed at the times when the planes hit the towers and when the towers fell. next year, a new ground zero memori is scheduled to be open, including six skyscrapers, a museum and waters falls. the ceremoniesere also held in pennsylvania and at the pentagon. president obama attended the pentagon service along with robert gates and chairman of the
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joint chiefs of staff. the ceremony was only open to family members of the victims. president obama later made a plea for religious tolerance and unity. >> the perpetrators of this evil act didn't simply attack america. they attacked the very idea of america itself. all that we stand for and represent in the world. and so the highest honor we can pay those we lost, indeed our greatest weapon inhis ongoing war, is to do what our adversaries fear the most. to stay true to who we are as americans. to renew our sense of common purpose. to say that we define the character of our country. and we will not let the acts of
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some small band of murders who slaughter the innocent and cower in caves distort who we are. >> the first lady also attended the 9/11 ceremony in pennsylvania. michelle obama along with former first lady laur bush, led a commemoration for the 40 people killed on flight 93 i that location. that plane crashed into a rural field passengers and crew fought the hijackers planning to attack the u.s. capitol. the first lady hailed the victims as true heroes who inspired a laura bush also ankedeople there for helping the country t al aft the attack. the imam behind the planned islamic center, here his hear his perspective and how others are reacting to the plans. re switch to tide free & gentle.
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the fate of the planned islamic center and mosque near ound zero is still unclear weeks after the controversy erupted. the imam behind the center spoke out this week and explained why moving locations could be a problem and what brought him to the sight in the first place. >> when did did you settle upon this location, which is about two blocks north of ground zero? why that pot? >> first, i must remind everybody that i have been -- a mosque 12 blocks from that spot. i've been serving that community and neighborhood for the last quarter of a century. when 9/11 happened, we couldn't reach our mosque in tribecca area. finally, wee came back, there s flowers, letters. we're part of this community. this is a community i have
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work for so long and is important for us as muslims, as muslims in lower manhattan, to want to give back to the city and country that's given us so much. >> look at the polls. somethin g like 71% of american think that even though there's a right to build there, a center there th will include a mosque and other things, the n wisdom it may not be there. >> here's the -- >> is that political or -- the wrong thing to do. >> i am extremely concerned about sensitivity, but i have a responsibility. if we move from that location -- the story will be that the radicals have taken over the discourse. the headlines in the muslim world will be that islam is under attack.
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and i'm less concerned about the radicals in america than in the muslim world. >> but isn't that also saying less concerned about the voices of opposition? >> no, no, no i meant it that the danger from the radicals in muslim world to our national security to the national security of our troops, i have a niece who works in the army serving in iraq. the concern for american citizens who live and work and travel overseas will increasingly be compromised if the radicals are strengthened and if we do, it will strengthen the argument of radicals to recruit and their increasing agession balance against our country. >> the reaction to the planned islamic center are varied and strong and our next guests arei ready to give their opinions about this fire storm of debate
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on this. good to seeu you. hussein rasheed is an expert on muslim cultures. where are you exactly? from toronto. and in atlanta, the executive director of the non-profit group, 100 people of faith. she's also the author of "war on americaneal stories of muslims. i thought that was the typo. sorry about that. welcome. so, is an issue the center, its location or the tolerance and acceptance of islam in this country? >> i think what really is an issue, a constitutional issue. this is a first amendment issue. >> in what way?
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>> this is matter of freedom of religion. that we would be letting the terrorists win if we said we won't freely allow muslims to build an islamic center close to, two blocks, om ground zero. there's alread an islamic center mayor bloombergoi pointe out, four blocks from ground ze f zero. this is a matter of freedom of religion and the truth is, over a certain period of time, we thought jews and blacks and other groups and catholics didn't deserve the rights all americs deserve. right now, muslims are suffering i believe but americans are stronger than that and eventhan eventually, we will rise above that. >> i want to get to that -- in florida, you apparently disagree
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as to whether it is appropriate, whether it is an issue of freedom of expression, of religion, for this islamic center to be poised where it is proposed to be in ground zero. is that correct? >> my views are really lined with our constitutional rights and the campaign lately between the two sides, which, i'm a muslim and i lead the muslims in gainesville or one of the leaders in gainesville, flora. the views of muslims now are if we give in to very tiny minority of burning the koran or asking for moving of the center, it is, to me, burning of the koran
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stopped and terry jones will be invited to our mosque and in gainesville, we know how toake our country and our societtiy abide by the law and the constitution. the question really is why are muslims sticking with a plan of one center rather than sticking to the demand that this activity, trying to make muslims second class citizens is the issue. the fear in the muslimw communities now is islam, america is under attack, and thapey fear what happened in bosnia prior to war. what happened in germany prior the holocaust. they fear that this tiny little minoty can take america away om its decency, equal rights
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for all citizens, abide by the constitution and for e first time in my 42 years in america, i don't know what to tell my grandchildren about respect to the constition based on great leaders of ours. stating statements and websites that say, do not admit muslims to america. do not build islamic centers in america. , my views were not one side. it is rather preserve the constitution to all american citizens. >> so, let me bring in hussein rasheed in toronto. do you agree with protesters, those who don't like the idea of this center being so close to ground zero, that that encourages this islamaphobia, that encourages defeat of this
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argument, freedom of religion? >> i don't want to come out against anybody. i don't want to be against anybody. i want to be for the constitution and i agree with melody on this. there is a constitutnalnd and ter to be there. there is a community there is of muslims and non-muslims that needs to be servicednd this prokt is an attempt to be a community center to do that.ha my issue is that i don't think that the team has done a very good job in reaching out and explaini what it is they need to do. they haven't done a good job in building the support in lower manhattan from muslims and non-muslim to get behind the prokt. i thinit's dangerous to say that just becausee i support th moral right that i support the cent center. zwl so, melody, there islamophobia and if so, at what
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point did that flame get sparked? >> certainly. that's the reason i wrotey first book. >> let me let melody have her moment. >> i agree there is, but as i said before, i thi americans are smart and i think through ucation, they can learn and rise above it. i have traveled all over the country, speaking ates universities, churches, synagogues, all over the place and just en people learn and meet different muslims and see we don't like look we think we edo and that we are americans, they have different perceptions. we will get past this. right now, there were periods of times that we discriminated against a lot of other groups and we have gotten past unfortunately, muslims gave a lot of other people are still suggest to a lot of discrimination in this country and i, as a young person, hope
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that will end. >> at the same time, at the end of ram dan here, we are hearing from a number of muslims who are afraid to acknowledge their religion openly because they're afraid they will be targeted. can you comment on that? >> yes, ameri is the greatest land, system, that man has ever created here on earth. we shall preserve that and the fear in the hearts of muslims is not fear for the .r safety because the society is very safe. it is te fact that we are sliding with some poticians taking advantage of the discussion between the right and left to develop extremists and we are against extremists as president obama said. we are not in war with islam. we are not in war with muslims.
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we are in war with the people that killed our people on 9/11. more than 2700 people were killed, including more than 30 muslims. we have muslims in the military. we have muslim generals. we have muslims noble prize winners, that do everything every day. as for the mosque in new york or the center in new york, ire do agree withit the gentleman that spoke and said that it was not ree that financial side of it has not been totally explored. that the elements of a small minority of muslims in america -- the major, major issu of making america equal for all. we know going back to the 0'5s
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and '60s where the war of internal discussion. now we are one unit under god, we respect the righ of our neighbors and we declare that muslims are integrated fly into this society and their rights must be kept and the fear in their hearts, li muslim integration to america, building the islamic center must be denounced by all sides of center ian including the and the left. >>okay, thanks so much here in atlanta. we're out of time. thanks to all of you and your availability and expressed thoughts on this issue. >> thank you. >> thank you. not coming home. the relee of an american hiker is called off. coming up, ewe'll learn more abt the failed release and the hiker's time in prison. i want to give my 5 employeerds health insurance,
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the expected release of an american hir in iran is not happening. sarah shourd was supposed to ber released tonight after more than a year in custody. ivan watson is in turkey with more on the hikers and how the plan to rease shourd fell apart. >> reporter: a reversal by nte iranian government that's sure to come as a devastated blow to the family. she is one of three american hikers that have been imprisoned in iran for more than year. the iranian government says they crossed the border illegally and all three have been charged with being spies. now, on thursday, the culture ministry of the iranian
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government reached out to jolis in tehran and invited them to a ceremony on saturday at a tehran hotel. that was to be attened by an iranian vice president and sarah shourd was to be released in honor of the muslim holiday. 24 hours later, it was announced the release had been canceled. he claimed the authorities had not worked according to due process. we know that sarah shourd, unlike t male counterparts, is being kept in mostly solitary confinement except for about an hour a day when she is allowed to meet with her two american coprisoners. we spoke with aniranian dissident on saturday by phone who says that las year, she spent some time in a neighboring cell to sarah shourd. >> i remember sarah was singing.
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she said, i'm -- and her voice was very, very beautiful. she said, i'm home sick and i miss my mom. and sometimes, she cried. i heard her crying. >> reporter: the family of sarah shourd says she is suffering from health problems as she has a cervical problem and recently discovered a lump in her breast. her defense attorney hasnn spok with cnn and he is arguing that there is a disagreement between rival branchs in the iranian government overust what to do with this american prisoner. >> and what do families who have lost loved es on 9/11 think about the proposed islamic
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center near ground zero? you might be surprised. that story's coming up.
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in new york today, rally rs taki place before and against the planned islamic center near ground zero. this -- represents pple who are for the proposed center to be built there near ground zero. not a huge turnout, but significant none the less on this ninth anniversary of september 11th. building the center near ground zero is an especiallyemotional issue for 9/11 families, but not all are against . >> it's not a small mosque. it's not far away from the ght. it's right on top of where they were murdered.
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>> but, in my mind, this mosque is a good thing. we cannot find all billion muslims in the world. >> reporter: robert and rosa share a deep pain here athe world trade center site where both lost a brother. yet, they splitce sharply over e center that would include a mosque. robert lost his brother, david, who worked in tower one, yet argues they should be able to build a tower here. forgotten what happened at 9/11? >> reporter: he fears opponents of the plan including many families, are threatening civil rights. >> they're being hounded out. they're being shouted down and that's just not what america should stand for. >> but imagine i would shout from the top of anyot tower to
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protect my city. i want to make sure that $100 million isn't coming from saudi arabia or from very hands that funded the attack. >> reporter: she lost her brother, shawn, a firefighter based across the street. she says she knows he would want her to speak out to defend the area that became his grave site and states that she is doingth without any bias against muslims. >> it's not against the muslim people, but it's a sensitivity that is putting a mosque here, where perhaps there may be some people sympathetic to what the terrorists did that day. that's not acceptable to me. >> reporter: when you hear them say, it's open to everybody, that doesn't do it for you. >> at the end of the day, it's an islamic culture center with a mosque. it's a big center. it will bring lots and lots of muslim people here.
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>> reporter: americans that have shared unimaginable pain, who have cried on each other's shoulders, now, in some cases, are at o odds over the nation's latest controversy. an islamic center near the site of their tragic loss. >> and the investigation intensifies. what caused the massive explosion thaty? incinerated a n bruno community? w
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the question, what caused that massive inferno in san bruno. we know at the roo was some sort of gas leak. let's check in with dan simon who is in that locatio now. you've talked to a number di people, including oicls. what's the latest? >> reporter: the latest is two people are still atunaccounted r if in the that is the case, that would bring the death toll up to si people if in fact those two are not found. want to show you where i am. we are at a shopping center. you can see behind us, this has been sort of a place where people have been dropping off items for people who may have lost their homes. you can see clothes, somebody
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brought a baby stroller and food and water. again, as we mentioned, the big headline here is that as many as six people may have died in this disaster. we can also tell you that a orago, while ago, senator barbaa xer and other local officials toured the wreckage sites. cnn provided the pool video that you may have there. as you can see, those images,ou it's just real, you know, what can you say? it looks like a war zone in that area. one of the things we can also tell you is that pg&e, they actually addressed the media just a short time ago and they were asked that these reports, whether or not neighbors dete detected a smell and they sa they're goinrdg through all the phone records. they've gone through aboutir two-thirds of theirs an phone records and at this point, they have no record that anybody
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called and complaid about the smell of s. we also asked about these that utility crews were seen in that area in thefo days before the explosion, telling residents to go inside and perhaps working along that site, if in fact there was a problem with t pipe. pg&e says once again, they have no knowledgef their crews in that area responding to any complaints of a gasor. odor. those e the two things that really stand out at this hour. of course, still so many questions. was there a problem with that pipe? did pg&e kw about it? and if so, what steps did they take to address those concerns. >> we know they're goi through the call logs and checking with any kind of responses to those complaints of people who thought they smelled some sort of ri ural gas a day before the
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explosion, right? >> exactly. one gentleman says he had smelled gas for three weeks and that he was told by a pg&e utility person to go inside his home, close his garage door, his windows. in his mind, pg&e was out for that very specific purpose because there was a problem with that natural gas ne. you would think that perhaps pg&e might be able to corrobate that story quickly, but they cannot. >> thans so much. appreciate that. a look at top stories. the family ofwa sarah shourd thought she was getting out of an iranian prison today after more than a year in captivity. an iranian government official announced the plan to release here thi week, but prosecutors say the judicial process has not been completed.
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she is one of three american hikers detained and accused of being spies. a man hunt is underway in northern mexico after inmates climbed over the wall of a prison. a mexican news agency is guards ae hat two also ssg. 44 other guards were also detained on suspicion of corruption. and a kansas city man is facing multiple charges for hijacking a city bus and leading police on a chase through downtown. the driver and passengers got off the bus before t suspect drove away. the kansas city star says the man is charge d with burglary ad robbery. he was arrested after the bus crashed and caught fire. you may have already put away your beach gear for the year, but when you head to the shore in the future, a new kind of life guard could be there to help keep you safe. gary tuckman explains on this
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"edge ofs discovery." >> reporter: this life guardn might be the best on the beach. her name, emily. it doesn't replace the life guard, but may enable the life guards to get to an individual they may not have been able to get to in the past. emily speeds through high waves in seconds, directed from shore by a remote ntrol. when she reaches swimmers in distress, they can hold on to her until help arrives. >> we have worked on having a radio to send emily out to say, stand away from this, you're in danger of going into tide. >> reporter: that's not all this cado. her designers say emily could be equipped with sonar and cameras or be used for military surveillance. emily is still being tested, so it could be a wle before you
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can check her out at a beach near you. . there's a lot of action this weekend with the last midterm primary coming up next week. your politics update is up next. because of one word, imagination and reality have merged. because of one word, a new generation-- a fifth generation-- of fighter aircraft has been born. because of one word, america's air dominance for the next forty years is assured. that one word... is how.
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time for our politics update. we're keeping an eye on the latest headlines on the politicalticker. paul has a look at what's crossing right now. >> good afternoon. lot of stuff going on on the campaign trail today.t let's start with candidates campaigning fo tuesday's primies. seven states lost to district of columbia. the last big round of primaries before theonidterm elections. the second tng going on, one in hose primaries, the one delaware, probably the one grabbing the most national attention. it's because mike cassel, the
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moderate republican, he is getting challenged by -- who is backed by a lot of tea party activists. this is becoming a down and out and tough contest. well, christine o'donnell just got two major endorsements from the national rifle association and senator jim demint, a leading conservati. we're keeping an eye on delaware. we'll see if the te party and tea party express has another victory on tusday. and also on the cnn political ticker right now, unity maybe in florida on the republican side. we sent peter to a big republican party dinner last night in florida. it was a pretty nasty gubernatorial primary down there between rick scott and bill mcllum, the stwon s attorney general. ott won the primary. there was a unity party last
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night. remember, maybe not everybody's on board. we'll keep a close eye on that govern's contest in florida. that's all that's going on now. but a lot more, check it on, >> that is a lot. thanks so much, paul. trouble brewing, that's tough to say, trouble brewing in the atlantic. amit's a tropalto named igor and it could become a hurricane toy. jackie jeras in the cnn weather center. a little tongue twister there.s brewing. the 's in the middle of atlantic oceanso right now, so that's a little bit of good news. days and days before it would bother anybody. it's a tropical storm and it's packing winds around 70 miles per hour, so almost at hurricane status. i think we'll probably get there by the 5:00 eastern time advisory, as its forasted to become a major hurricane down the line. it's moving in a westerly
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direction and conditions are becoming more favorable with tides for this to strengthen. water temperatures are warmer, little less wind shear. less weakness in thehigh pressure ridge so about three days from now, we're expecting a more northerly turn. one of the things that makes us want to take a look at that path is that it's so much further to the south. when you start to see a southerly tracking storm going due west, you have to pay attention. we also have a tropical wave coming off the coast of africa right there. that has some potential in the next couple of days to become a tropical depression, but more likely in the caribbean already, we have a tropical wave right here into the eastern caribbean and there's a high chance this could become a tropical depression in the next 24 to 48 hours. if that happens, we'll let you know. at home, it's the weekend. people want to get outside and weather.ce
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it's pretty good today. we've got showers and thundershowers from the great lakes to the gulf coast. tomorrow will be up and down the eastern sea board and we'll look for better conditions as we heod into the afternoon. if you like astronomy, one last thing. ian i-reporter took a very cool picture. you can see the crescent moon and over here, the planet venus. thanks to james -- see, i can't talk today either. for taking that ireport. try and get out and see them. >> that's gorgeous. nice image. thanks. well, they were in class when a 9/11 j crashed nearby. we hear from a group of students in shanksville, pennsylvania. the stories we've never heard until now. expresso tampers, filters. it can get really colimplicat. not nearly as complicated as shipping it, though. i mean shipping is a hassle. not with priority mail flat rate boxes from the postal service. if it fits it ships anywhere in the country for a low flat rate.
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it's the ninth anniversary of 9/11 andng ceremonies were hd this morning at the sites of the attacks in new york, the pentagon and shanksville, pennsylvania. in pennsylvania, it was held in the field where the flight crashed. the nam of the 9/11 victims were read outloud, one by one. mielle obama and laura bush led the commemoration and hailed the victims as true heroes. >> for them puttinghe others before themsves was nothing new. they were veterans and coaches and volunteers of all sorts of causes. there was thets disability righ advocate who carried a miniature copy of the constitution everywhere she went. there was the census director
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who used to return to the home she canvassed to drop off clothing and food for families in need. there was the couple who quietly used their wealth to make interest-free loans to struggling families. and to this day, they remind us not just by how they gave their lives, but how they lived their lives, that being a hero is not just a matter of fate. it's a matter of choice. >> we saw that there is evil in the world, but also good at the heart of our country. amera was attacked, but the deepest beliefs of our democracy was vindicated, that our greatness and strength is found in the character of our citizens. americans responded with heroism
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and self-lessness and compassion and courage and prayer and hope. in our grief, we learned that our faith is an active w faith, that we're called to serve one another and to bring hope andor comfort where there's ordespai and sorrow. >> the national parks service has been collecting oral histories with a direction connection to flight 93 and that includes a group of students attending classes near the crash si. they came together for theirst time to share what they saw and heard. >> over all these years, we've heard so manyom stories from people who were affected directly or right near the attacks of 9/11, but virtually none of us have heard this. >> remember just watching and hearing about the pentagon and the next thing you know, i remember somebody saying, oh,
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nothing like this will happen here. it was about the time i began to write the word, democracy. i remember where i was writing, what i was doing. that's when ever the school shook. >> this is put together by the national parks service and theyv interviewed a whole bunch of students and t school is right near where this happened. we pulled out some clips of what students say thin this video. >> i remember watching the tv and watching the world trade towers being hit and thinking, this can't be happening here. this is america. this happens in other places, we're untouchable. st that sense of security being robbed. >> i remember one of the teachers coming in, telling us to turn on the news and we were watching what was going on i new york when we felt the shock wave from this plane crash. and one of my


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